I feel like I have two hearts…one that gains its strength by caring about and giving to others and one that has been neglected because it gains its strength from caring for myself. My “giving” heart is colossal, always overflowing. I’ve spent my entire life focused on this heart, doing for others. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is NOTHING wrong with a giving heart. As a matter of fact, I am very proud of my giving heart and wouldn’t change much about it. The problem is that my “self” heart has been abandoned for a very long time, overshadowed by my “giving” heart…so much so that I almost forgot it was there entirely. Fortunately, this is a transformative year for me, so as I changed my life to improve my physical, social and emotional health, I re-discovered what remained of my “self” heart. Step by step, moment by moment, I have been nurturing my other heart, reviving it. It seems the more I take care of myself, my needs, the more I have to give to others.
I gave so much in the past that I thought I had nothing left to give. I was wrong. The MORE I take care of myself, the MORE I have to give. My two hearts are both bigger, stronger, healthier than ever before. They seem to feed off of each other to the point where I am now…two hearts overflowing!